blago.invest is an official investment fund registered by the National Securities and Stock Market Commission of Ukraine.

blago.invest pools investors’ funds, becomes a co-owner of several large-scale construction projects, and invests in the construction of modern residential complexes and neighborhoods developed by blago, a leading construction company in Ivano-Frankivsk.

blago.invest earns profits from the sale of real estate in construction projects that it later distributes to its investors as dividends annually.

Investors’ funds are backed by already constructed investment property

blago transfers to the Fund the mortgage of constructed and commissioned office centers, shopping centers, and other commercial real estate, the value of which is 30% higher than the Fund’s investment amount

Investment portfolio of the Fund

Investment property provided by blago to back the Fund’s assets

Maximum contractual amount of investment in construction projects:
1,925,000 USD
Market value of real estate backing the Fund’s assets:
2,508,714 USD
Total area of real estate:
1,610.6 sq. m
Type of real estate:
office center
Title to the real estate:
registered in the State Register of Titles to Real Estate

Benefits from blago.invest

  • Investment is official: payments are made by non-cash transfer and all taxes are paid
  • Minimized currency risks: investments and dividends are linked to the US dollar market rate
  • Investment security: the Fund’s assets are backed by finished investment property
  • Diversification of investments: investments and revenues from several construction projects
  • Liquidity: repayment of funds upon investor requests within 15 business days
  • Accountability: annual independent external audit of financial statements

Investment calculator

Investment amount, USD

Investment term, years

Yield, %

Amount of dividends, USD

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